Course 80546 Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
This course introduces the capabilities of Sales Management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 that allow you to track and manage the sales process from potential to close. This course provides insight on sales process information, and introduces the tools available to analyze and report on sales information.
This course guides you through the tools that help make the internal processes simpler and easier so your sales force can focus on what is important—creating a differentiated experience for your customers.
Audience Profile
This course is intended for individuals that plan to implement, use, maintain, or support Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 in their organization. The training is intended for sales representatives, administrators, office managers, CEOs, and consultants who want to learn the available sales features within Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the context of Sales Management and review real-life sales scenarios
- Identify how the various elements of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Sales fit together
- Review the basic terminology used throughout the application.
- Review how the basic flow of sales activity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM begins with the entry of leads, and review ways to manage leads in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Identify the role of leads, and when they can be used
- Know the Lead to Opportunity process and the roles of these records.
- Work with Sales Literature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
- Explore the steps to create and maintain Competitors.
- Identify the features and benefits of the product catalog.
- Create and maintain unit groups for the product catalog.
- Add products to the product catalog, and describe the use of kit products and substitute products.
- Create price lists and configure as appropriate for different customers, marketing campaigns and special offers.
- Set up different price lists for different types of customers and marketing campaigns
- Utilize the tools to available within Microsoft Dynamics CRM to capture important sales information and uncover new business opportunities.
- Identify how Goal Management enables organizations to manage and analyze performance.
Use the Sales Analysis tools that Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides analyze and report on sales-related information
Программа курса
Module 1: Introduction to Sales Management
The Sales module within Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides a flexible framework for organizations to track, manage, and analyze parts of their sales cycle as well as its overall success.
This course describes the components used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sales Management and explains how they can apply to various business scenarios. It also details the entities or record types that Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses to track sales from potential to close. With this information, organizations can determine which aspects of the Sales module framework are appropriate for their organization
Module 2: Lead Management
This module introduces the tracking and management features of the Sales module in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. It is rare that two organizations follow the same sales process, even if the organizations are within the same industry. For this reason, Microsoft Dynamics CRM does not dictate a rigid process. Instead it provides a framework around which an organization can build a custom sales process.
This module describes the components of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM sales process. It also details the entities or record types Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses to track sales from potential to close. With this information, organizations can determine which aspects of the sales process framework are appropriate for them.
Module 3: Working with Opportunity Records
In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, qualified leads, such as those that have estimated revenue associated with them, become opportunities. When a prospect or customer expresses qualified interest in buying the business' products or services, that prospect or customer is considered an opportunity.
This is an important part of the sales process because this is where the sales team spends most of its time and effort. The process of working on an opportunity may include several customer interactions. How well the sales team manages this stage can mean the difference between a win and a loss.
Module 4: Working with the Product Catalog
This course describes the role of the product catalog in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the benefits of using it. It shows the tasks that are required to configure a product catalog, including setting up and maintaining unit groups, products, and price lists. It also describes and demonstrates the important role of the product catalog and price lists in the sales process.
Module 5: Sales Order Processing
Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides tools that capture important sales information and uncover new business opportunities. Although quotes, orders, and invoices are important to the sales process and provide a complete view of the customer, implementing a sales process allows users to initiate, track, and close sales consistently and efficiently.
The product catalog in Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps companies build a central repository for managing products, services, charges, and fees. The tasks required to set up a product catalog include setting up and maintaining unit groups, products, and price lists. Microsoft Dynamics CRM also supports discount lists, which help companies provide customers with incentives to buy more products.
Module 6: Metrics and Goals
Microsoft Dynamics CRM uses two record types known as Goal Metrics and Goals. These record types combine to provide a powerful, flexible set of goal management features. Goal management allows organizations to track individual, team, and organizational progress toward specific goals.
Module 7: Sales Analysis
This module explains the tools that Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides to analyze and report on sales-related information.
Before attending this course, students must have:
- General knowledge of Microsoft Windows
- General knowledge of Microsoft Office
- An understanding of Customer Relationship Management solution processes and practices
Управление отношениями с клиентами, которое часто называется CRM , системой CRM или программным обеспечением CRM , это бизнес-решение, которое помогает компаниям лучше организовать обслуживание, продажи и маркетинг для клиентов, чтобы повысить эффективность организации и улучшить взаимодействие с клиентами.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM предлагает специализированные решения для различных отраслей и секторов экономики: государственный сектор, финансовые услуги, производство, здравоохранение, розничная торговля, сфера услуг, образование и др.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM использует несколько технологий для обеспечения работы пользователей. Она может поставляться в виде облачных решений (SaaS), устанавливаться на локальный сервер (on-premise), работать на платформе .NET framework. Это позволяет разработчикам интегрировать CRM систему с другими приложениями через web - сервисы. Мобильная работа возможна через iPhone, Android и Windows Mobile устройства.
CRM позволяет снижать расходы и увеличивать прибыль путем организации и автоматизации бизнес-процессов, что способствует повышению удовлетворенности и лояльности клиентов по всем направлениям — маркетинг, продажи и обслуживание. Решения CRM могут обеспечить рост рентабельности инвестиций с помощью автоматизации маркетинга, улучшения обслуживания клиентов и автоматизации работы отдела продаж.
Возможности эффективного обслуживания, обеспечиваемые для Microsoft Dynamics CRM, позволяют компаниям предоставлять клиентам комплексное, осуществляемое самостоятельно или с привлечением внешних специалистов обслуживание на месте. Наши ведущие в отрасли технологии, включая машинное обучение, Интернет вещей (IoT) и аналитики, придают нашему специализированному решению широкие и разнообразные возможности, необходимые вашей организации для эффективного решения проблем, возникающих в связи с непрерывным изменением характеристик сферы обслуживания клиентов. Они помогают оптимальным образом позиционировать ваш бренд, позволяя извлекать доход из любых направлений экономической деятельности.
Несмотря на достаточно поздний, по сравнению с конкурентами, выход в сегмент CRM решений, корпорация Microsoft приобрела больше клиентов, чем любые другие поставщики аналогичных систем. Она является признанным лидером отрасли корпоративных CRM систем.
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