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Курс "OD20488 Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions"

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Специализация:  Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand (дистанционное обучение)
Код: OD20488

In this course, students learn core skills that are common to almost all SharePoint development activities. These include working with the server-side and client-side object models, developing and deploying features, solutions, and apps, managing identity and permissions, querying and updating list data, managing taxonomy, using workflow to manage business processes, and customizing the user interface.

The course is intended for professional developers who develop solutions for SharePoint products and technologies in a team-based, medium-sized to large development environment. While some familiarity with SharePoint solution development is required, candidates are not expected to have prior experience with the new features in SharePoint Server 2013.
The ideal candidate is a technical lead with at least four years of SharePoint and web development experience. The candidate is responsible for designing custom code for projects that are deployed to or interact with SharePoint environments.
Необходимый уровень подготовки:
  • A working knowledge of using Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 to develop solutions.
  • A basic working knowledge of SharePoint solution development, either in SharePoint 2013 or in earlier versions of SharePoint.
  • A working knowledge of Visual C# and the .NET Framework 4.5.
  • A basic understanding of ASP.NET and server-side web development technologies, including request/response and the page lifecycle.
  • A basic understanding of AJAX and asynchronous programming techniques.
  • A basic working knowledge of client-side web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarity with approaches to authentication and authorization, including claims-based authentication.

Изучив курс, Вы сможете:

  • Design and manage features and solutions.
  • Develop code for custom server-side components.
  • Manage and customize authentication and authorization.
  • Create custom sites and lists and manage the site lifecycle.
  • Explain the capabilities and design choices for SharePoint apps.
  • Use the client-side object model and the REST API.
  • Develop provider-hosted and auto-hosted SharePoint apps.
  • Distribute and deploy SharePoint apps.
  • Create custom workflows to automate business processes.
  • Use fields and content types to manage taxonomy.
  • Customize the appearance and behavior of user interface elements.
  • Customize navigation and site branding.

Программа курса

Module 1. SharePoint as a Developer Platform

This module examines different approaches that can be used to develop applications with SharePoint Server 2013 the scenarios in which each approach might be appropriate.
  • Introducing the SharePoint Developer Landscape
  • Choosing Approaches to SharePoint Development
  • Understanding SharePoint 2013 Deployment and Execution Models
  • Lab: Comparing Web Parts and App Parts
Module 2. Working with SharePoint Objects
This module introduces the server-side SharePoint object model and how the core classes relate to sites and collections. The server-side SharePoint object model provides a core set of classes that represent different items in the logical architecture of a SharePoint deployment. Students also learn how manage permissions for server-side code.
  • Understanding the SharePoint Object Hierarchy
  • Working with Sites and Webs
  • Working with Execution Contexts
  • Lab 1: Working with Sites and Webs
  • Lab 2: Working with Execution Contexts
Module 3. Working with Lists and Libraries
This module explains how to interact with lists and libraries. Students learn about how to work with lists and libraries programmatically using the server-side SharePoint object model and how to use query classes and LINQ to SharePoint to query and retrieve data from SharePoint lists. Student also learn how to efficiently work with lists that contain large numbers of items.
  • Using List and Library Objects
  • Querying and Retrieving List Data
  • Working with Large Lists
  • Lab 1: Querying and Retrieving List Data
  • Lab 2: Working with Large Lists
Module 4. Designing and Managing Features and Solutions
This module examines creating and deploying custom Developing a SharePoint solutions and features. The students also learn how and when to use sandbox solutions.
  • Understanding Features and Solutions
  • Configuring Features and Solutions
  • Working with Sandboxed Solutions
  • Lab: Working with Features and Solutions
Module 5. Working with Server-Side Code
This module describes how to develop and deploy Web Parts and event receivers in a solution.
  • Developing Web Parts
  • Using Event Receivers
  • Using Timer Jobs
  • Storing Configuration Data
  • Lab: Working with Server-Side Code
Module 6. Managing Identity and PermissionsThis module describes how manage permissions through code and customize authentication using custom claims providers.
  • Understanding Identity Management in SharePoint 2013
  • Managing Permissions in SharePoint 2013
  • Configuring Forms-Based Authentication
  • Customizing the Authentication Experience
  • Lab 1: Managing Permissions Programmatically in SharePoint 2013
  • Lab 2: Creating and Deploying a Custom Claims Provider
Module 7. Introducing Apps for SharePoint
This module introduces the SharePoint App, a new way to customize SharePoint functionality with SharePoint Server 2013.
  • Overview of Apps for SharePoint
  • Developing Apps for SharePoint
  • Lab: Creating a Site Suggestions App
Module 8. Client-Side SharePoint Development
This module describes how to use JavaScript Client Object Model (CSOM), managed code CSOM and the REST API to build SharePoint Apps.
  • Using the Client-Side Object Model for Managed Code
  • Using the Client-Side Object Model for JavaScript
  • Using the REST API with JavaScript
  • Lab: Using the Client-Side Object Model for Managed CodeLab : Using the REST API with JavaScript
Module 9. Developing Remote Hosted SharePoint Apps
This module examines the difference between provider hosted Apps and Remote Hosted Apps. The students will also create and deploy a Provider Hosted App.
  • Overview of Remote Hosted Apps
  • Configuring Remote Hosted Apps
  • Developing Remote Hosted Apps
  • Lab 1: Configuring a Provider Hosted SharePoint App
  • Lab 2: Developing a Provider Hosted SharePoint App
Module 10. Publishing and Distributing Apps
This module introduces the App Catalog so users to locate, purchase, and install apps easily. The students learn how to package and publish Apps to the App Catalog.
  • Understanding the App Management Architecture
  • Understanding App Packages
  • Publishing Apps
  • Installing, Updating, and Uninstalling Apps
  • Lab 1: Publishing an App to a Corporate Catalog
  • Lab 2: Installing, Updating, and Uninstalling Apps
Module 11. Automating Business Processes
This module explains how to create workflows and workflow actions using Visio 2013, SharePoint Designer 2013 and Visual Studio 2012.
  • Understanding Workflow in SharePoint 2013
  • Building Workflows by using Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
  • Developing Workflows in Visual Studio 2012
  • Lab 1: Building Workflows in Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
  • Lab 2: Creating Workflow Actions in Visual Studio 2012
Module 12. Managing Taxonomy
This module explains the importance of a good taxonomy in SharePoint and working with the components of the taxonomy. The students also see how to tie event receivers to the taxonomy.
  • Managing Taxonomy in SharePoint 2013
  • Working with Content Types
  • Working with Advanced Features of Content Types
  • Lab 1: Working with Content Types
  • Lab 2: Working with Advanced Features of Content Types
Module 13. Managing Custom Components and Site Life Cycles
This module explains how you can create custom component definitions and templates, which enable you to deploy custom sites, lists and other components across a farm.
  • Defining Custom Lists
  • Defining Custom Sites
  • Managing SharePoint Sites
  • Lab: Managing Custom Components and Site Life Cycles
Module 14. Customizing User Interface Elements
This module explains different ways of customizing the SharePoint user interface, such as adding buttons to the ribbon or modifying the appearance of list views.
  • Working with Custom Actions
  • Using Client-Side User Interface Components
  • Customizing the SharePoint List User Interface
  • Lab 1: Using the Edit Control Block to Launch an App
  • Lab 2: Using jQuery to Customize the SharePoint List User Interface
Module 15. Working with Branding and Navigation
This module explains ways to customize branding, designing, publishing and navigating sites in SharePoint Server 2013. The students also learn how to create devise independent sites standard web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Creating and Applying Themes
  • Branding and Designing Publishing Sites
  • Tailoring Content to Platforms and Devices
  • Configuring and Customizing Navigation
  • Lab 1: Branding and Designing Publishing Sites
  • Lab 2: Configuring Farm-Wide Navigation

Также Вы можете прослушать курс 20488 Разработка базовых решений для Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 на русском языке, который проводится Сертифицированными Тренерами Microsoft в современно оборудованных классах нашего Центра

Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand (MOC On-Demand) включают в себя видео, текстовые материалы, практические задания и тесты для проверки знаний, позволяющие получить навыки работы с технологиями Microsoft. Каждый участник может выбрать свой график занятий и темп изучения материала, а также учиться, не выходя из дома. Вам не придется тратить время и деньги на дорогу до учебного центра и подстраивать свой график под расписание занятий. Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand можно пройти в любое время и в удобном для вас месте: для этого потребуется только компьютер с доступом в Интернет.

Курсы MOC On-Demand включают в себя тщательно подобранные профессиональные учебные материалы, разработанные специалистами Microsoft. После успешного прохождения курсов вы получаете официальные документы, подтверждающие вашу квалификацию и способствующие продвижению вашей карьеры в сфере ИТ.

Курсы MOC On-Demand в настоящее время доступны только на английском языке.

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+7 (495) 229-0436   shopadmin@itshop.ru
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