Полный набор DevExpress VCL компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний Developer Express. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета - это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами Developer Express, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи DevExpress VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.
ExpressBars Suite
- AV occurs on generating the default RibbonUI.
- Ribbon - Customization Form - Resetting customizations after moving an item within the "Customize the Ribbon" list, applying changes, and re-opening the form causes the "Argument out of range" exception.
ExpressDBTree Suite
- TcxDBTreeList - The built-in navigator's Post button is disabled if an exception occurs after clicking it.
ExpressEditors Library
- cxImage - Invoking the context menu doesn't fire the OnContextPopup event.
- In-place cxRichEdit - The form's scaling factor multiplies the font size of the editor's unformatted text twice.
- TcxDBImage - AV when loading invalid images.
ExpressExport Library
- Export to XLS or XLSX - The cxExportPivotGridDataToExcel procedure exports a lookup column/row field's grouping values as lookup keys.
- The "Inline function 'dxSpreadSheetVarCompare' has not been expanded" compilation hint is displayed if the 'uses' clause includes the cxGridExportLink unit.
ExpressLayout Control
- Dragging a hidden empty group causes an AV.
- Error with latest version in NavBar with High DPI.
- An AV occurs on reusing a dynamically loaded library that uses the PDF Viewer functionality.
- Images encoded using Indexed color spaces are incorrectly displayed in certain cases.
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- A column's SortIndex property value is ignored when restoring the tree list using the RestoreFrom~ methods.
- TcxDBTreeList - Appending multiple nodes creates records in the bound dataset and displays only one node.
- TcxDBTreeList - The 'Could not convert variant of type (Array Byte) into type (Integer)' error occurs when binding to a dataset whose key field value is an array of bytes and changing node focus.
- The Styles.Selection.Font property settings are not applied to the selection.
ExpressRichEdit Control
- RichEditControl does not save Unicode text properly.
- The MeasurementUnit property value doesn't affect the Paragraph, Tabs, "Modify styles", and "Modify table styles" dialogs.
- The Options.Behavior.PasteSingleCellAsText property value is ignored on pasting data from the clipboard.
ExpressSkins Library
- The Skin Editor treats the opened project as unmodifed after invoking the Project / Build command.
- An AV occurs when loading a malformed XLS file if it contains two or more data entries for a cell.
- Export to HTML - The "Duplicates not allowed" exception occurs on exporting a worksheet containing a merged cell with a hyperlink.
- Loading shared formulas from an XLS file doesn't limit their column indexes to 256 as per specifications.
- Wrong image aspect ratio.
ExpressTile Control
- A control placed on a frame using custom anchoring settings is displayed incorrectly provided that the frame is set as the tile item's detail control.
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DevExpress / VCL Subscription
Полный набор DevExpress VCL компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний Developer Express. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета – это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами Developer Express, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи DevExpress VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.